Warum sollte Tyson es nicht nochmal schaffen?!


Ich kann mir bei besten Willen nicht vorstellen dass Tyson gegen diesen Typen boxen soll! Das ist doch Blödsinn!


Ironimo schrieb:
Wenn ja, dann ist das der erste Tysonkampf, den ich boykottieren würde.

Und ich würde wohl hoffen , daß er verliert damit der Spuk ein Ende nimmt.
Sollte Tyson nicht im März boxen? Jetzt mal unabhängig von Chapman: So langsam müßte der Gegner ja feststehen.


colderthanice schrieb:
Der Kampf gegen Chapman steht wohl !!
Oh mann na dan hat er ja einen tollen Gegner gefunden !!
Naja wenigstens sollte er den schlagen können

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Das wäre echt saupeinlich. Selbst wenn dieser Chapman sehr talentiert ist: Der is nach 12 Kämpfen gegen Müll doch noch lange nicht so weit einen so erfahrenen und guten Gegner zu boxen. Der muß doch noch aufgebaut werden. In 2 oder 3 Jahren könnte der gegen nen bekannten Boxer antreten , aber der Kampf kommt für Chapmann einfach zu früh.


Ohne Quelle glaub ich gar nix. Ein Forum ist für mich keine Quelle. Ich könnte auch schreiben Ottke kommt zurück um gegen mich zu "Boxen"....


Maderix schrieb:
Ohne Quelle glaub ich gar nix. Ein Forum ist für mich keine Quelle. Ich könnte auch schreiben Ottke kommt zurück um gegen mich zu "Boxen"....

Hast schon Recht. Wenn Tyson wirklich noch mal Champion werden will, dann sollte er im März gegen Williams boxen und 2 oder 3 Monate später gegen einen wirklich guten Gegner und dann sollte er bereit für den Titel-Kampf sein.


Hier ist noch ein Interessanter Bericht mit Freddy Roach!

Superstar Trainer Freddie Roach is warning that the knee which Mike Tyson damaged so badly in his last fight, against Britain’s Danny Williams could buckle and betray him again at any time, because he’s not done the necessary exercises to build it back following successful surgery.

Freddie was in Mexico City at a press conference between his Filipino phenomenon, Manny Pacquiao, and Mexico’s three-time world champion Erik Morales.

Freddie trained Mike in the build up to the Williams fight, which he lost, after he got injured.

Mike was inactive after the operation for a while, but that’s over, because he’s been training a couple of weeks down at the Elite Boxing Gym in Vero Beach, Florida with another very talented trainer Buddy McGirt.

Freddie said: “Downtime is bad for Mike, because he doesn’t do anything and he never did re-hab on the knee, so I’m worried a little bit about him in that aspect, because if he didn’t do re-hab, it could blow out again. And he has no power if he can’t punch off his legs.”

Freddie also stressed that Mike has been around in boxing a very long time, and explained the fatigue factor by commenting:

“We trained pretty hard for that fight and he just mentally got tired after just four rounds. He’s been a pro for a long time, and I wonder if Mike should fight any more. He needs a little more discipline. If he wants to win fights, he needs a little more discipline. And I like Mike- the thing is I’d like to see him retire. But if he asked me to help him get ready for a fight I would because I do like him. Buddy’s a good trainer, so maybe he’ll have some success with him. And I wish Mike the best of luck.”

And in spite of his practical doubts, Freddie explained that a fully prepared, totally trained Mike Tyson could still make it back to the top, even by topping John Ruiz or Lamon Brewster and he added: “ I think so, and if Mike did it correctly he would also knock out Vitali Klitschko, if he got into the shape he needs to be in, but I’m not sure that will happen.

“Again, I like Mike, he’s a good friend of mine and I wish him all the best, and hopefully he’ll come back.”
Source: boxingscene

Höert sich nicht gut an! :( Mike hat laut Roach sein Knie garnicht rehabilitiert, und er meinte er könnte sich deshalb wiederverletzen!


Tobi.G schrieb:
Hier ist noch ein Interessanter Bericht mit Freddy Roach!

Superstar Trainer Freddie Roach is warning that the knee which Mike Tyson damaged so badly in his last fight, against Britain?s Danny Williams could buckle and betray him again at any time, because he?s not done the necessary exercises to build it back following successful surgery.

Freddie was in Mexico City at a press conference between his Filipino phenomenon, Manny Pacquiao, and Mexico?s three-time world champion Erik Morales.

Freddie trained Mike in the build up to the Williams fight, which he lost, after he got injured.

Mike was inactive after the operation for a while, but that?s over, because he?s been training a couple of weeks down at the Elite Boxing Gym in Vero Beach, Florida with another very talented trainer Buddy McGirt.

Freddie said: ?Downtime is bad for Mike, because he doesn?t do anything and he never did re-hab on the knee, so I?m worried a little bit about him in that aspect, because if he didn?t do re-hab, it could blow out again. And he has no power if he can?t punch off his legs.?

Freddie also stressed that Mike has been around in boxing a very long time, and explained the fatigue factor by commenting:

?We trained pretty hard for that fight and he just mentally got tired after just four rounds. He?s been a pro for a long time, and I wonder if Mike should fight any more. He needs a little more discipline. If he wants to win fights, he needs a little more discipline. And I like Mike- the thing is I?d like to see him retire. But if he asked me to help him get ready for a fight I would because I do like him. Buddy?s a good trainer, so maybe he?ll have some success with him. And I wish Mike the best of luck.?

And in spite of his practical doubts, Freddie explained that a fully prepared, totally trained Mike Tyson could still make it back to the top, even by topping John Ruiz or Lamon Brewster and he added: ? I think so, and if Mike did it correctly he would also knock out Vitali Klitschko, if he got into the shape he needs to be in, but I?m not sure that will happen.

?Again, I like Mike, he?s a good friend of mine and I wish him all the best, and hopefully he?ll come back.?
Source: boxingscene

Höert sich nicht gut an! :( Mike hat laut Roach sein Knie garnicht rehabilitiert, und er meinte er könnte sich deshalb wiederverletzen!

Das Interview wurde bereits in einem andeen Thread gepostet. Naja , is ja nicht schlimm.


Warum kommt Ihr mir nur so vor wie die Buben damals in der 8., die Quartett spielten?
"Ich habe hier 14000 Bruttoregistertonnen."
"Hah und ich hab ne Spannweite von 17,4 Metern."
"Dafür hab ich ne Beschleunigung von 0 auf 100 in 4,3 Litern pro gelaufenem Kilometer Cornflakes."



Als Tyson-Fan frage ich mich inzwischen, ob ich ihn siegen sehen will, oder ob ich mir nicht doch ein hartes Ende wünsche um diesem Spuk hier ein ebensolches zu machen?


Tobi.G schrieb:
Hier ist noch ein Interessanter Bericht mit Freddy Roach!

Superstar Trainer Freddie Roach is warning that the knee which Mike Tyson damaged so badly in his last fight, against Britain’s Danny Williams could buckle and betray him again at any time, because he’s not done the necessary exercises to build it back following successful surgery.

Freddie was in Mexico City at a press conference between his Filipino phenomenon, Manny Pacquiao, and Mexico’s three-time world champion Erik Morales.

Freddie trained Mike in the build up to the Williams fight, which he lost, after he got injured.

Mike was inactive after the operation for a while, but that’s over, because he’s been training a couple of weeks down at the Elite Boxing Gym in Vero Beach, Florida with another very talented trainer Buddy McGirt.

Freddie said: “Downtime is bad for Mike, because he doesn’t do anything and he never did re-hab on the knee, so I’m worried a little bit about him in that aspect, because if he didn’t do re-hab, it could blow out again. And he has no power if he can’t punch off his legs.”

Freddie also stressed that Mike has been around in boxing a very long time, and explained the fatigue factor by commenting:

“We trained pretty hard for that fight and he just mentally got tired after just four rounds. He’s been a pro for a long time, and I wonder if Mike should fight any more. He needs a little more discipline. If he wants to win fights, he needs a little more discipline. And I like Mike- the thing is I’d like to see him retire. But if he asked me to help him get ready for a fight I would because I do like him. Buddy’s a good trainer, so maybe he’ll have some success with him. And I wish Mike the best of luck.”

And in spite of his practical doubts, Freddie explained that a fully prepared, totally trained Mike Tyson could still make it back to the top, even by topping John Ruiz or Lamon Brewster and he added: “ I think so, and if Mike did it correctly he would also knock out Vitali Klitschko, if he got into the shape he needs to be in, but I’m not sure that will happen.

“Again, I like Mike, he’s a good friend of mine and I wish him all the best, and hopefully he’ll come back.”
Source: boxingscene

Höert sich nicht gut an! :( Mike hat laut Roach sein Knie garnicht rehabilitiert, und er meinte er könnte sich deshalb wiederverletzen!

aber das wollte ja jie einer glauben!


Um nochmal auf die Ausgangsfrage zurück zu kommen:

Weil er alt und schlecht ist! :belehr: :licht: usw.

Gleichbedeutend mit shot! :licht:


Ich würde mich als einer der grössten Fans von Mike Tyson gerne äussern
Ich glaube ihr wisst nicht was mike geleistet hat in seiner karriere
er verfügt über den spektakulärsten und ansehesten Kampstil den überhaupt je ein boxer gezeigt hat.Er hat natürlich auch grosse schwächen gezeigt gegen Lewis und holyfield .Gegen williams hat er sich das Knie ausgekugelt ich glaube das sollte man nicht bewerten.
Jeder richtige Boxfan muss zugeben das mike einfach genial zuzuschauen ist
Für mich bleibt er der Champ und ich bin sicher das er bald wieder in den ring steigt. :thumb: