

um dem thread mal eine andere richtung zu geben:

comedy genuis noely g. at his best

"The thing that still pisses me off to this day is that cuntfuck (Damon Albarn)
said we engineered the battle with his bunch of wankers.
Oasis don't need to compete with a bunch of cunts who did A-level music.

They're fakers. That Gorillaz album - fucking rubbish.
All that, "I'm happy, feeling glad/Got sunshine in a bag?... "
That was beyond comedy. That cunt is like, "Is there a bandwagon passing? Park it outside my house."
He'll be in a heavy metal band next year when it's fashionable.
He's nothing. And it's fitting that he ended up as a cartoon. He always was a cartoon.

"Oh, listen, Radiohead, I actually like their music, it's purely personal," he says.
"I just think they are fuckin' miserable bastards. I think that their attitude leaves a lot to be desired.
They're like, 'Don't interview me, don't photograph me, but please buy our records.'
If ever there was a bad advert for being in a group, it's that lot,
because being in a group should be a celebration."

At the end of the day you can go to a Radiohead show and stroke your fucking beard
and watch the miserable cunt complaining, or come see us,
put your arm round your best mate and have it."

"Starsailor. They're fucking outrageously average.
Daddy was an alcoholic? So fucking what?
My dad beat the shit out of me but I sang about living forever.
You fucking cock."

On S Club Juniors
We were mixing "The Hindu Times" in Olympic Studios in London
and there was all these kids doing their fucking dancing thing,
and Liam and Andy bell walked in and I went,
"Did u see those kids out there?"
"Oh you mean Junior S Club 7?"

And it took me 20 minutes to realize how the **** did you know what they're called?
I thought they were some kids from a special need school who were
hanging out at a fucking recording studio full day cos they thought
there were free food or something. And Liam & Andy knew their names!"

Christina Aguilera
"She looks like some fucking tart from fucking Newcastle."

Geri Halliwell
In September it was confirmed that former Spice Girl Geri had an eating disorder.
Noel Gallagher was somewhere for comment,
"I have to say that there is no better mental image than Geri going through George Michael's bins,"
said a less than impressed Noel.

"What a loser, you wouldn't admit to shit like that, would you?"

Kylie Minogue
"She refers to herself in the third person. She does these Eurostar ads [in the UK].
Why Kylie Minogue is selling train tickets to people is beyond me.
But anyway, she says something like 'When I need to get away I nip onto the Eurostar to Paris until it's time to be Kylie again'.
You are fucking Kylie Minogue, what are you talking about?"

"The Hives look fucking mega. It's better than that cocksucker from Placebo..."

The Music
"The Music, in my opinion, is the worst English band for the last 25 years, they're shite, I don't get why people get excited bout 'em.
Their look is pitiful and they sound like music shop employees, the singer sings like a cat being strangled.
Otherwise they're nice people, but I don't like when they're being compared to The Stone Roses or The Verve.

They opened for us a couple of times and I have the regret to say they're the worst band that ever opened for Oasis.
They're all hyped in London but in a couple of years no one will remember 'em."

Manic Street Preachers
Did you see that bit on the telly when they met Castro?
Here they were face-to-face with one of the most influential leaders of the 20th Century,
and all Nicky Wire could think to say was, "Noel Gallagher shook hands with Tony Blair and we're meeting Fidel."
I was thinking, "In your crowning moment of glory, you student, you still mentioned my name.
Thank you very much!"
They're living out the university fantasy of Fidel Castro blah blah blah, which doesn't appeal to me one little bit.
The next time I see Nicky, I'm going to say, "Why don't you put your nurse's uniform on and go back to college?"

The Strokes
"There's no fucking excuse for not having your shoes match your jacket. If you start with that criterion, then you'll be all right.
The Strokes would do well to take that advice, 'cause the studded wristbands have already started to creep in.
I noticed one bloke with a painted fingernail. I fucking love them, but I think one of them is six months away from wearing a fedora."

System of a Down
"Do you ever look at the sky and think, I'm glad I'm alive? After I heard System of a Down,
I thought, I'm actually alive to hear the shittiest band of all time.
Which is quite something when you think about it.
Of all the bands that have gone before and all the bands that'll be in the future,
I was around when the worst was around."

"...I think that it's just a pity that there's a lot of nu metal around at the moment.
But hopefully that will die out soon. Maybe someone will put on a nu metal festival and bomb the site.
Take all their fans with them as well."

What do you think about your album being available free on the internet with the MP3?

Noel: "I think it's good for kids who live in Brazil who won't get the album for ages, and it's also dead expensive for them to get.
They probably don't give a shit about the quality. I guess it's supply and demand.
If there wasn't a demand, then there would be nothing to supply.
I'm not quaking in me boots worrying about those five thousand sales that I'm missing.
When we're 45 and not selling any records we'll be glad of the internet! We'll be putting our own albums out on it.
And if it puts fat fuckers like Mick Hucknell (Simply Red) out of business then I'm all for it."

Richard Dunne, Kevin Keegan & Paolo Wanchope
Interviewer: To sporting matters, and one imagines that you're delighted to have the Ronaldo-esque talents of Richard Dunne at Maine Road.

Noel : I saw Richard Dunne play the opening game of the season and, actually, he looked okay.
Kevin Keegan might be useless at organizing defences, but he's a good man manager and will hopefully get the best out of him.
The one who needs to be off-loaded immediately is Paolo Wanchope.
He put another three million on his price tag by being the leading scorer in the Copa America,
and then comes back to play Watford and is a proper donkey. He's got knees that go both ways!

On supporting Man City and Man United:
Any City fan that has got a child, I would rather kick my daughter out of the house
than let her go and support Arsenal or Manchester United.
She is going to be a City supporter if she likes football."

Of gays
Interviewer: It would be pretty fucking shocking if you announced to the world that you were gay.

Noel: Yeah. The thing that annoys me about those people, like that bloke from Boyzone and George Michael,
suddenly they're very proud to be gay; when they've been cured, they'll be on the telly: 'Thanks for all your support.'
And I always think, 'I wonder what the gay community think of that? 'They must think, 'You fucking bastards.'
It's like George Michael, for instance, from 1981 onwards, or from whenever he was making music,
he could have made it a lot easier for gay people in England, because he was the biggest pop star there was for six or seven years.
But he chose to put the shuttlecock down his trousers and play up to that and deny who he actually is.
I've got a lot of friends who are gay and they just think he's a fucking disgrace.
They're not proud of him, or the geezer from Boyzone, they just think they're pathetic because you should be proud of what you are.

Liam's writing songs
"And the reason me saying he's gonna be the best songwriter in the next 5 years
in England is me just putting pressure on him. Hoping he'll have a breakdown or summat, you know,
fucking crumble under the pressure and give up writing songs. The bastard.

On Liam & Patsy Kensit appearing on Vanity Fair
I thought he looked like an absolute fucking idiot. And ah, cos they wanted me and Liam to do it
and I remember taking the phonecall and somebody said "Well if you don't do it, Blur will do it",
so I just laughed and handed the phone to Liam and he's like "Oh ****, I'd better do it then...",
and er, yeah, Liam ends up on the cover with a nipple on his head looking like a fucking baby's bottle
with his fucking missus in a Union Jack bed, that's the one, topless....woooo...erm...rubbish..

His account of his visit to 10 Downing Street
"The funniest thing was that the Queen's got her own bog (toilet) at Number Ten, and I've had a shit in it.
One of Tony Blair's schleppers let me in. So only me and the Queen have ever shat in that bog, ever.
Which is great, innit? A big Gallagher turd next to a royal one, floating through the U-bend."

Princess Diana's death and the outpouring of sympathy
I really don't give a flying **** about, y'knoe...she might have done a lot of work for charity,
but, y'know, what else is she gonna fucking do?
It wasn't an outpouring of sympathy, it was an outpouring of guilt.
It was just another excuse to put her picture on the front of magazines
- same as them ones with her flabby fuccking thighs and all that shit.
Does she shag anything that moves? Is she putting on weight?
Who gives a ****? I don't give a **** about that.

Liam says, "Aye, but it's somebody's mother."
I say, "Aye, but it's not our fucking mother!"

I'll tell you another thing that pissed me off
- what about any other funeral that toook place that day?
What about somebody's Mum who's being buried in a fucking
cemetary in fucking Scunthorpe? While all this is going on television?
And the streets are fucking empty and all the shops are fucking closed?

And maybe somebody's grandmother dies and they couldn't buy a bunch of flowers
because some fucking twat who runs the flower shop - some fat old bastard - is sat down crying
because somebody he never know or is ever fucking likely to know
and would never give a **** about them anyway, is sat sobbing in front of the telly?

And meanwhile somebody up the road whose mother had died of cancer can't even buy a card because all the shops are shut.
What about them?"

You can't drive, can you?
No. I took loads of fucking lessons. Imagine the scene.
I'm learning in this housing estate in Slough rough as a Paddy's arse.
I'm in red Nissan Micra with a big red triangle on the top that says, "Knobhead". On the other side it says "...from Oasis".

So the instructor's going, Do a left here. Three point turn here.
It's a quarter to four in the afternoon and all the kids pile out of this school at the end of the street
- all these top scrubbers from Slough ggoing, Is that the geezer from Oasis?

Second day, there's about seven or eight kids there waiting for me.

Third day, there's about a hundred and fifty people.
I did a forty-five-point turn and kangarooed up the close.

Now I could just about handle the kids watching me on my lesson
but I wasn't gonna fail my fucking driving test in front of two hundred kids.
I'd rather have a chauffeur.


jaja, alle anderen haben keine Ahnung. Zumindest von der Arroganz hast Du Dir einiges abgeschaut.:thumb:

Ich hab Oasis Mitte-Ende der 90er im ICC in Berlin gesehen und mich nach einiger Zeit ziemlich gelangweilt. Scheinbar ging das Liam G. genauso, ich hab selten jemanden erlebt, der so gelangweilt seinen Kram runtersingt (wenn er denn Lust hatte; wie gesagt, einen Teil musste sein Bruder singen, weil er mitten im Lied nicht mehr wollte - zumindest sah es so aus). Das war in wahrem Wortsinn uninspiriert. Für mich im Rückblick eines der schlechtesten Konzerte, die ich je gesehen hab.

Ansonsten bin ich nicht der Musikfreaque, aber was nun wirklich das Neue und Bedeutende an Oasis war, begreife ich immer noch nicht.


Im allgemeinen mag ich ja englischen Humor ganz gerne, aber das oben gepostste find ich nicht mal zum Schmunzeln


Human Intelligence (pre-Alpha)
Fand das Zitierte auch fucking wenig beeindruckend. Es gibt zwei Arten eines typisch britischen Humors. Die eine Art ist hintersinnig, geistreich, ironisch, böse. Die andere Art ist fucking platt, fucking öde und fucking Noel G.-like.


MadFerIt schrieb:
"Oh, listen, Radiohead, I actually like their music, it's purely personal," he says.
"I just think they are fuckin' miserable bastards. I think that their attitude leaves a lot to be desired.
They're like, 'Don't interview me, don't photograph me, but please buy our records.'
Wo ist das Problem? Wer keine Interviews geben will, muss meinetwegen nicht. Wenn Radiohead geile Musik machen, reicht mir das vollkommen.


man man man, wie wäre es wenn ihr eure hosenträger mal lockert. dann juckts nich so im schritt und das leben is gleich viel angenehmer...

hui, da erhebt sich intellektueller widerstand gegen das word ****. in england ist der gebrauch des wortes **** so normal wie bei uns 'halt' oder was weiss ich für ein füllwort. sogar der interviewer artikuliert es. aber unsere deutsches spießbürgertum findet das ganz gar widerlich, gelle?

mhh, ist das also nich komisch? seltsam nur, dass noel gallagher interviews in england legendär sind. es gibt sogar eine cd eines interviews mit liam und noel, das in chartregionen vorstieß. vielleicht is da doch was mit humor, was ihr nich versteht?

aber hey, engländer sind eh alle doof und kaufen jeden mist und noel gallagher is auch doof und sowieso hör ich nur radiohead und songs die mindestens 43 akkorde in sich vereinen.


within a mile of home
Also in diversen Englischsprachigen Ländern ist das Wort "****" zwar existent, aber nach meiner eigenen Erfahrung weit weniger als das Herr G. in den Mund nimmt. Kommt halt immer auf das Niveau an, auf dem man sich bewegt.
Im übrigen ist der einzige, dem hier was zu klemmen scheint, der User MadFerIt.
Und denk mal dran, dass ein Horizont dazu da ist, um drüber hinauszuschauen.

Michael der Echte

mann mann mann

was ist denn das fuer ein Beispiel das eine CD in die Charts kam, Schnappi war auch in den Charts, sogar erfolgreicher als jeder Oasis Song, ist Schnappi jetzt besser als Oasis ?

Oasis sind Prolls und davon gibt es auf der Welt genuegend die sich dann auch mit Ihnen identifizieren und alles kaufen, auch dumme Interview CD's.

Vinnie Jones war mal Nr.1 der verkauften Videos fuer sein Video seiner blutigsten Fouls. Ist dieses Video nun besser als viele andere nur weil es in den Charts vorne war ?

Klasse und Charts haben nicht unbedingt was miteinander zu tun.

Der Humor von Oasis ist nicht hintergruendig, sondern nur dumme Laesterei, das ist ein Riesenunterschied.

John Lennon

Moderator Darts & Handball
Michael der Echte schrieb:
mal ne Frage wann wird denn ein neues Album kommen, abgesehen von dem Best off Album im November.

Laut oasisinet.de arbeiten sie schon an neuen Songs, aber das heisst ja nicht viel. Kann also noch dauern. Vor Mitte/Ende nächsten Jahres wird es mMn auf keinen Fall was. Ein paar Konzerte in Deutschland wären mal wieder angesagt.

Ich finde Interviews der Gallagher-Brüder immer zum Schiessen komisch.

On S Club Juniors
We were mixing "The Hindu Times" in Olympic Studios in London
and there was all these kids doing their fucking dancing thing,
and Liam and Andy bell walked in and I went,
"Did u see those kids out there?"
"Oh you mean Junior S Club 7?"

And it took me 20 minutes to realize how the **** did you know what they're called?
I thought they were some kids from a special need school who were
hanging out at a fucking recording studio full day cos they thought
there were free food or something. And Liam & Andy knew their names!"

Da kann ich mir Noel´s Gesichtsausdruck richtig vorstellen.:laugh2:

Liam's writing songs
"And the reason me saying he's gonna be the best songwriter in the next 5 years
in England is me just putting pressure on him. Hoping he'll have a breakdown or summat, you know,
fucking crumble under the pressure and give up writing songs. The bastard.


Eigentlich haben madferit und denzre schon Stellung dazu genommen, aber ich muss auch mal.:D

Natürlich waren Oasis Mitte der 90er die größte Band in den UK. Wär etwas anderes behauptet hat wohl die Jahre auf dem Mond verbracht. Ein Vergleich oder Gleichsetzen mit Blur, ist ja wohl ein Witz. Blur haben ein popliges Single-Duell gewonnen und sonst nichts. Sie hatten nie das Standing von Oasis und hatten nie die Albenverkäufe. Das Damon Albarn jetzt so ein kindisches Cartoon-Projekt hat, sagt einiges.

Und natürlich hatten Oasis Einfluss auf andere Künstler. Fragt die Arctic Monkeys, fragt Mando Diao. Fragt Art Brut, fragt jede verdammte Rock-Newcomer-Band aus GB. Oasis hat seinen Anteil daran, dass GB auch heute noch die besten Rockbands der Welt rausbringt.

Wenn wir Richard Ashcroft, Chris Martin, Bono, Paul Weller und Macca fragen würden, wer die 90er Jahre musikalisch bestimmt hat, wäre die Antwort 5mal Oasis. Alle haben ihren Liebe zu Oasis auch schon mehrfach öffentlich bekannt. Selbst Dave Grohl von den Foo Fighters hat in einem Interview mal gesagt, wie sehr er Oasis liebe.

Le Freaque schrieb:
Was denn bitteschön haben Oasis der Popmusik an neuen Einflüssen zugefügt?

Oasis machen ganz einfach Rockmusik, da ist nicht viel neues oder innovatives dabei. Kann es auch gar nicht haben. Alles was in der Rockmusik heute da ist, haben die Rockgrössen der 60er, 70er Jahre alles schon gemacht. The Beatles, die Stones, The Who, Eric Clapton, Neil Young, Jimi Hendrix, undundund. Wären Oasis in den 60er gross rausgekommen und die Beatles stattdessen in 90er, würde man ihnen wahrscheinlich den Vorwurf machen, dass sie nichts neues machen und alles bei Oasis abkupfern.:D

Das Solo von "Live forever"? - Gab' schonmal Ton für Ton im nicht ganz unbekannten "Wonderful tonight" von Clapton.

Dann halte ich es wie Richard Ashcroft mit dem Ärger um "bitter sweat symphony" mit den Stones und sage:"Dies (live forever) ist der beste Song, den Eric Clapton je geschrieben hat.":D


schön auch von dir mal ein unterstützende wortmeldung zu hören, jl!:thumb:

mein persönlicher favorit der noel-quotes ist ja der hier:

His account of his visit to 10 Downing Street
"The funniest thing was that the Queen's got her own bog (toilet) at Number Ten, and I've had a shit in it.
One of Tony Blair's schleppers let me in. So only me and the Queen have ever shat in that bog, ever.
Which is great, innit? A big Gallagher turd next to a royal one, floating through the U-bend."


John Lennon schrieb:
Natürlich waren Oasis Mitte der 90er die größte Band in den UK. Wär etwas anderes behauptet hat wohl die Jahre auf dem Mond verbracht.

Die größte Band der 90er kann ja hinkommen. Ich habe lediglich mit einigem Recht angezweifelt, ob man sie als "musikalisch einflussreich" bezeichnen kann. Wenn sich das rein auf den nachzuahmenden Erfolg als britische Rock'n'Roll-Band bezieht, dann mag das wegen meiner auch noch stimmig sein. Dann waren/sind auch Dave Dee & Co. einflussreich, Genesis, Police, Wham, U 2 und Coldplay.

Vielleicht ist auch "einflussreich" ein zu missverständlicher Begriff, wenn der sowohl den Ansporn, ebenso erfolgreich zu sein impliziert, als auch musikalische Innovation oder Originalität.

Wenn man (bzw. die Oasis-Fans) alle Nachkommer-Britbands nur auf die Vorbilder der Gallagher-Bros. reduziert, dann ensteht auch eine Art Geschichtsfälschung. Zum einen folgen etliche nicht den immergleichen Pfaden dieser Band, zum anderen gab es ein allgemeines Britpop-Revival Anfang der 90er, wozu Oasis erst später stieß und dann natürlich gleich durchstartete. Viellecht sind auch einige der neuesten Bands einfach zu jung, um mitbekommen zu haben, dass es Britpop auch vor bzw. ohne Oasis gab. Wenn es sie gar nicht gegeben hätte, dann wäre irgendeine andere x-beliebige britische R'n'R-Band die "größte Band aller Zeiten" geworden. Genügend Lebensdauer vorausgesetzt.

Es gibt z.B. auch das Phänomen der vereinfachten Kurzform, um Laien etwas zu erklären. Als ich in den 90ern von musikalisch eher ahnungslosen Zeitgenossen gefragt wurde, was ich denn für 'ne Art von Musik höre und u.a. "Britpop" erwähnte, gab es mitunter Nachfragen bezgl. Bands. Anstatt also "James" oder "Blue Aeroplanes" oder "Teenage Fanclub" zu antworten, beschränkte ich mich auch schonmal mit "zum Beispiel Oasis und so.... " - um niemanden zu überfordern.
Dann kam immerhin ein "Aha!" zurück, während ich bei den anderen Bands verständnisloses Schulterzucken geerntet hätte.

Möglicherweise kann auch sowas eine Erklärung dafür sein, warum der Name Oasis so oft fällt, wenn vielleicht eigentlich ein ganzes Genre, mitsamt der ganzen Vielfalt, gemeint ist.


unser aller fucking liebster oberproll :rolleyes: zusammen mit paul weller und gem archer mit wunderbarem small faces cover: here comes the nice :jubel:
und anbei ein wunderbares zitat von richard ashcroft:
And as for any little digs at Oasis, at the end of the day, Noel Gallagher opened our eyes; for a lot of young people in the North West, to pick up a guitar. Thank you very much. Rock'n'Roll!
-Richard Ashcroft of The Verve while accepting an award.
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